A Bug's Life, produced by the same studio and creative team responsible for Toy Story, gleefully expands the nearly limitless boundaries of computer animation with innovative imagery and sophisticated storytelling techniques. The film's protagonist is Flik (voiced by Dave Foley), a brilliant but socially awkward ant who labors to free his colony from the tyranny of thuggish grasshoppers led by Hopper (Kevin Spacey). When one of Flik's labor-saving inventions backfires and scatters an offering of grain collected to mollify the grasshoppers, our hero enlists the aid of performing insects, who impersonate fearless warriors apparently eager to do battle with the green-skinned, multi-legged bullies. Witty scripting and peppy vocal performances go a long way toward delineating the characters, and the three-dimensional Pixar animation creates the illusion that they really exist. Their fluidity of movement, coupled with the dramatic interplay of light and shadow, facilitates the willing suspension of disbelief that will enable viewers of all ages to enjoy A Bug's Life.
Condition: Brand New Factory Sealed
Format: Animated, Color, Widescreen
Language: English
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Number of discs: 2
Rated: G (General Audience)
Studio: Walt Disney Video