Despicable Me is a compelling animated comedy about an aging supervillain's falling popularity at the hands of a younger supervillain and three young orphan girls. Gru is a true, bad-to-the-core evildoer who's earned the title of the world's No. 1 supervillain. But when young upstart Vector steals the Pyramid of Giza, Gru's status suddenly sinks to No. 2. Gru counters his fall by speeding up his plan to shrink and steal the moon, enlisting the help of his army of minions and the elderly Dr. Nefario, but a lack of funding and the difficulties involved in stealing the needed shrink-ray gun threaten to derail everything. Adopting three young orphan girls is an unlikely, but seemingly effective means to further Gru's evil mission, but Gru quickly discovers that caring for three young girls is more work, and distraction, than he could ever have anticipated. What unfolds is an unexpected shift in attitude that will forever change the lives of Gru, Vector, and all three young girls.
Condition: Brand New Factory Sealed
Disc #1 -- Despicable Me
1. Global Panic [3:23]
2. Meet Gru [3:09]
3. Crime of the Century [5:32]
4. Home for Girls [1:45]
5. Bank of Evil [4:48]
6. Shrink Ray Theft [4:27]
7. Vector's Fortress [2:49]
8. Adoption [4:44]
9. Setting Some Rules [4:07]
10. Top Secret [4:54]
11. Pinky Promise [3:55]
12. Cookiebots [4:40]
13. Fun Land [4:32]
14. Cotton Candy? [:14]
15. New Funding [3:38]
16. Sleepy Kittens [5:21]
17. To the Moon [7:15]
18. Rescue [7:01]
19. One Big Unicorn [6:16]
20. End Titles [4:53]