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Diamond Rugs - Cosmetics (Audio CD - 2/24/2015)

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List Price: $12.99
Your Price: $5.99
You Save: $7.00 (54 %)
In rock journalism, the term supergroup is often doled out a little too easy. But Diamond Rugs fit the bill in the most valiant ways - Deer Ticks John McCauley & Robbie Crowell, former Black Lips guitarist Ian St. Pé, Dead Confederates T. Hardy Morris, Los Lobos Steve Berlin and Six Finger Satellites Bryan Dufresne. On the band s new sophomore LP, Cosmetics, each musician maintains the distinct personality you loved about em in the first place, while at the same time locking in like puzzle pieces, feeding off each other in a way that d make most full-time bands jealous as hell, and leaving in their wake a breezy, wide-open, unpretentious set of rock & roll songs that beg you to dance your ass off.

Condition:NEW. Marked upc


Disc 1

1 Voodoo Doll (3:10)
2 Thunk (3:41)
3 Couldn't Help It (2:44)
4 Meant To Be (3:45)
5 Live and Shout It (3:07)
6 So What (1:53)
7 Ain't Religion (4:34)
8 Killin' Time (5:10)
9 Blame (2:13)
10 Clean (2:46)
11 Motel Room (4:28)

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