The story of GOBI begins in west Texas, on the borderland of El Paso and Juarez, where Justin Dillon and Chuco Phil first met. The two would venture across the border every weekend spending countless nights in the clubs and discotecas on "The Strip" in Ciudad Juarez. There the thriving grooves and uptempo beats would take them on many sleepless nights, and instill an unstoppable curiosity and desire to create their unique and iconic breed of electronic dance music IDR (Indie-Dance-Rap). Now based out of Austin, TX, GOBI has gained the reputation for turning any room into a jungle of lights and beats
1. Dream With Me
2. Empty Streets
3. Lose Me
4. Velvet Blue
5. Pale Moonlight
6. Lost in the City
7. Born to Dance
8. So Alive
9. Doc Holliday
10. Serenity
11. Charles Lee Ray
12. Texas Sun
13. Plush
14. Hold on, We're Going Home