Certainly they're one of modern rock's best, regularly batting out music that draws from the familiar roots of blues, folk and rock without ever succumbing to their cliches. Gomez crafts warm, rustic pop songs that recall classic '60s rock groups like Traffic and the Faces without mimicking any directly. You can hear that sound elaborated on six studio albums, including their latest, "A New Tide." Despite its title, "Tide" doesn't represent a startlingly new direction for this English fivesome
Condition:NEW.Marked upc.
1 Mix 4:16
2 Little Pieces 3:24
3 If I Ask You Nicely 3:07
4 Lost Track 4:00
5 Win Park Slope 4:20
6 Bone Tired 2:17
7 Airstream Driver 3:56
8 Natural Reaction 4:16
9 Very Strange 4:43
10 Other Plans 4:24
11 Sunset Gates 4:58