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Steve Vai - Where the Wild Things Are (2pc) - (DVD - 2009)

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List Price: $21.98
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This musical release from guitarist and producer Steve Vai compiles a number of memorable performances by the artist, including over 20 tracks, like The Crying Machine, Shove the Sun Aside, Paint Me Your Face, Building the Crush, and more.
Condition: NEW.Marked upc.

Scene Index

Disc #1 -- Steve Vai: Where The Wild Things Are
1. Paint Me Your Face [2:17]
2. Now We Run [6:34]
3. OOOO [5:11]
4. Building The Church [8:50]
5. Tender Surrender [8:00]
6. Band Intros [5:25]
7. Fire Wall [6:08]
8. The Crying Machine [7:46]
9. Shove The Sun Aside [4:14]
10. I'm Becoming [:15]
11. Die To Live [1:52]
12. Freaks Show Excess [6:38]
13. Apples In Paradise [11:23]
14. All About Eve [7:43]
15. Gary 7 [6:09]
16. Beastly Rap [:54]
17. Treasure Island [2:43]
18. Angel Food [2:01]
19. Earthquake Sky [6:25]

Disc #2 -- Steve Vai: Where The Wild Things Are
1. 20: The Audience Is Listening [6:00]
2. 21: The Murder [5:43]
3. 22: Juice [4:20]
4. 23: Whispering A Prayer [10:48]
5. 24: Taurus Bulba Encore: [8:28]
6. 25: Liberty [2:06]
7. 26: Answers [5:45]
8. 27: For The Love Of God [11:59]
9. 28: End Credits [2:06]

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Steve Vai - Where the Wild Things Are (Audio CD - 2009)

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