This wry, melancholic comedy from Aki Kaurismäki, a response to the ongoing global refugee crisis, follows two people searching for a place to call home. Khaled (Sherwan Haji), a displaced Syrian, lands in Helsinki as a stowaway; meanwhile, middle-aged Finnish salesman Wikström (Sakari Kuosmanen) leaves his wife and his job and buys a conspicuously unprofitable seafood restaurant. Khaled is denied asylum but decides not to return to Aleppo—and the paths of the two men cross fortuitously. As deadpan as the best of the director’s work, and with a deep well of empathy for its down-but-not-out characters (many of them played by members of Kaurismäki’s loyal stock company), The Other Side of Hope is a bittersweet tale of human kindness in the face of official indifference.
Actors: Sherwan Haji, Sakari Kuosmanen
Directors: Aki Kaurismäki
Format: AC-3, DTS Surround Sound, Dubbed, Special Edition, Subtitled, Widescreen
Language: Finnish, Arabic
Subtitles: English
Dubbed: Arabic
Region: Region A/1
Number of discs: 1
Not Rated
Studio: Criterion Collection
DVD Release Date: May 15, 2018
Run Time: 100 minutes
Cast & Crew
Sherwan Haji Khalid Ali
Sakari Kuosmanen Wikström
Janne Hyytiäinen Nyrhinen
Ilkka Koivula Calamnius
Tommi Korpela Melartin
Ville Virtanen Oikeussalin Viranomainen
Kati Outinen Vaatekaupan Omistaja
Dome Karukoski Huligaani Bussipysakilla
Matti Onnismaa Kylmasilmainen Mies
Jörn Donner Pokerinpelaaja
Niroz Haji Miriam
Maria Järvenhelmi Vastaanottokeskuksen Virkailija
Hannu-Pekka Bjorkman Pokerinpelaaja
Tommi Eronen Huligaani Bussipysakilla
Mirja Oksanen Oikeussalin Viranomainen
Simon Al-Bazoon Mazdak
Timo Torikka Poliisi Asemalla
Taneli Makela Myyja
Sulevi Peltola Pokerisalin Pitaja
Technical Credits
Aki Kaurismäki Director,Producer,Screenwriter
Reinhard Brundig Associate Producer
Samu Heikkila Editor
Misha Jaari Co-producer,Production Manager
Eevi Kareinen Casting
Tina Kaukanen Costumes/Costume Designer
Mark Lwoff Co-producer,Production Manager
Tero Malmberg Sound Editor,Sound/Sound Designer
Olli Parnanen Sound Editor,Sound Mixer
Markku Pätilä Art Director
Timo Salminen Cinematographer