Managing to sound electronic and organic at once, and finding a heady joy in the power of the rant, We Are Wolves cheerfully embrace contradictions before reducing them to dust on their first full-length, Non-Stop Je Te Plie en Deux. Hailing from Montreal, We Are Wolves base their music around the humble wheeze of aging analog synths and the primal rhythms of a stripped-down drum kit; the music has a pulse that's metronomic but possessed of flesh-and-blood life, while the collision of the low-tech keyboards with the report of electric guitar and bass lends their skeletal melodies a force neither would have had on their own. At its best Non-Stop Je Te Plie en Deux is dirt simple but by simply taking its energies and influences down a few unexplored side roads.
Condition:NEW. Punched UPC
1 Little Biros 3:14
2 L.L. Romeo 4:03
3 La Nature 5:43
4 Snare Me 3:24
5 Namaï-Taïla-Cambodge (60-Tabla-60) 5:37
6 Nonstop 3:02
7 Moi, Rythme Magique 0:23
8 Vosotros, Monstruos 2:52
9 T.R.O.U.B.L.E 3:57
10 We Are All Winners 2:57
11 Glazé, Blazé (Glazed the Blazed) 1:26